From the Robert Enriquez for Ill. Sec. of State campaign…
Last week, while you are hard at work sending up to 30% of your daily income to dysfunctional government, elected officials were squandering your hard-earned tax dollars, rewarding patronage, operating in the dark, passing bills they did not read, wildly increasing fees and redirecting money to parts unknown.
You know as well as I that we can no longer promote such recklessness. We must hold the leaders of this state accountable to the demands of the future; we need job creation, common sense policy to eliminate waste, improve services and cut fees. Citizens are tired and worried and I want to serve them as Illinois Secretary State for a brighter future.
Have you ever wanted to take a well-aimed whack at the Chicago Political Machine? Now’s your chance! For a mere fraction of your family’s license plate sticker, you can help give voice to ‘Marine Fights Machine’ on Chicago’s airwaves – English and Spanish. Radio spots cost about $25 each – but we need a lot of them to get the Machine’s attention. Join the fight and donate $25 per well aimed swat at:
Listen to the ad in English:
Listen to the ad in Spanish CLICK HERE
We must take back our government! Send the machine a message now! This is really a fight for freedom and I need you to enlist with me. Look at the attached instructions, spend 5 minutes and help out in the following ways../
Take a USMC Swat At the Machine!
1. Go to and donated @25 for the radio spot you want aired
2. Text “I support the Marine vs. The Machine” to your friends and be ready to explain the figh
3. Invite them to the Robert Enriquez FaceBook Group
4. Email us your name to get campaign updates:
Thanks for your support