Let’s Hear it for the Girls! Women and the Conservative Movement

Paul A. Ibbetson

We are currently watching the beginning of an American return to conservative values. What is unique about this return is that it is being led by an increasing number of politically savvy women. Political positions in almost all local, state, and national levels of government have been occupied by women for many years but the overwhelming majority have been filled by liberal Democrats. This is about to change.

Sparked by conservative women like Michele Bachmann, the first woman to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from the state of Minnesota, the challenge for women of breaking the “glass ceiling” has been replaced with the reality of breaking the liberal female glass ceiling. Currently Republican Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona is locked in a stare down with President Barack Obama over SB 1070, which deals with illegal immigrants. It’s no longer a question of separating the men from the boys, but more aptly the conservatives from the liberals, the strong from the weak. Jan Brewer is currently winning her stare down with the president, and Arizona’s SB 1070 may in fact be a fundamental catalyst for securing the border in America’s future.

Much praise must be given to Sarah Palin, who invigorated the nation with her conservative values and positive, enthusiastic vision for the country. The Palin phenomenon is still infectious today. What she also did by stepping onto the national stage was educate the nation about a woman’s ability to govern and fight for core beliefs, and to do so without losing her humanity.

So what will this year’s conservative women bring to the table for the primary races in 2010? Many of the Republican women who are poised to unseat longtime Democrats are tremendously successful business leaders from the private sector. Republican Carly Fiorina running for the Senate seat in California against Barbara Boxer is a former Chairman and CEO of Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP). California Republican Meg Whitman won her gubernatorial primary and is the former CEO of eBay Inc. Economically bankrupt California now has the opportunity to elect into high levels of political leadership two dynamic women who have been successful in business and know how to make a profit. Can I hear an “Amen!”

The conservative women of this year’s midterm election will be propelled by the Tea Party movement. You know, that movement that Nancy Pelosi said doesn’t really exist? The Vegas odds are that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will roll “snake eyes” in his attempt at re-election against Republican candidate Sharron Angle. Though we will never know for sure, the GOP’s candidate in the primary race, Sue Lowden, would have most likely sent Reid home a loser, yes, another conservative, yes, another woman.

Additional Republicans challenging influential Senate seats include Jane Norton in Colorado, Linda McMahon in Connecticut and Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire. When we look at these ladies of liberty, these women of worth, we see that their primary victories have been hinged upon their abilities to articulate the conservative message: limited government, controlled spending, adherence to the Constitution and traditional American values. What you do not hear from these conservatives is that they are victims of everything, or that they deserve the American people’s votes because of who they are. Instead, they are taking the conservative route in their platforms, staying issue-driven and appealing to the American people with what they have already accomplished and how it will apply in their future service. As the country moves back to conservative values to survive as a nation, let us not forget that many of our champions will be wearing skirts. Let’s hear it for the girls!
Paul A. Ibbetson is a former Chief of Police of Cherryvale, Kansas, and member of the Montgomery County Drug Task Force. Paul received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Criminal Justice at Wichita State University, and is currently completing his PhD. in sociology at Kansas State University. Paul is the author of the books Living Under The Patriot Act: Educating A Society and Feeding Lions: Sharing The Conservative Philosophy In A Politically Hostile World. Paul is also the radio host of the Kansas Broadcasting Association’s 2008, 2009 and 2010 Entertainment Program of the Year, Conscience of Kansas airing on KSDB Manhattan 91.9 f.m. www.ibbetsonusa.com. For interviews or questions, please contact ibbetson91.9@gmail.com

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