Breaking: Wikipedia to Update ‘Regeime’ Page

-By Matthew J. O’Connor

We have just learned from seasonably reliable sources of certain alleged reference material pending submission to Wikipedia concerning the newly discovered etymological distinction of the word, ‘Regime.’ The reference material was unearthed by John Podesta’s Center for American Progress. Clarion Advisory is pleased to be able to provide you with the following potential communication:

From The Desk of John . . . ‘Progress Ahead of our Time’

19 April 2010
To: Wikipedia
Re: New historical definition of ‘Regime’

Dear Jimmy,

It has been some time since our last communication. If I recall correctly, we last corresponded during President Clinton’s term concerning President Clinton’s recommendations for the word, ‘IS’ and how the word, ‘IS’ could be contextually adapted under numerous circumstances inside the legal realm to mean what the sayer post – facto would like it to mean relative to pending and potentially pending legal cases and affirmative defense strategies. Again, thanks for updating the page on what the meaning of ‘IS . . . IS.’

At any rate, I am writing to you no longer as a White House Chief of Staff but rather as a private citizen and founder of a Progressive Think Tank. Nevertheless, the current issue brought to my attention is of significant importance and one I would suggest warrants immediate treatment.

The subject of import centers around the word, ‘Regime.’ I believe the word, ‘Regime’ has a history of illegitimacy and as such in this communique endeavor to set the record straight. Under separate cover we will provide you with a complete annotated appendix in support of our request that Wikipedia immediately remove all historical background definitions and etymological references currently cited on Wikipedia’s ‘Regime’ page – And replace them with the following:
“The word ‘Regime’ is a word of previously mis-guided source. The OLD working definition of ‘Regime’ USED to mean ( per Oxford and Merriam Websters Dictionaries) [ 1. mode of rule or management b : a form of government [a socialist regime] c : a government in power d : a period of rule]

The aforementioned definitions are herewith ILLEGITIMATE and are to be immediately replaced with the NEW historically and progressively CORRECT definition AS FOLLOWS: [ Regime – all definitions all the time shall mean: 1. What and only what Joe Klein from Time & Chris Matthews from MSNBC and or any such purveyors of liberal political persuasion shall deem it to mean irrespective of context, logic or hypocrisy]”

Please include a photo of Rush Limbaugh with the flame. Just use the same flame graphic we previously provided with the “IS” correspondence . . . you will recall, it was provided with the Ken Starr photo. . . . I think Rahm may have also provided the same graphic to you over the weekend with his page update on Sen. McConnell.

Progressively yours,


Matthew J. O’Connor is the founder of Clarion Advisory, LLC , a politically conservative media production company and currently serves as the executive editor of, a site featuring conservative political commentary and the continuous aggregation of national and international news covering politics and business.

Prior to forming Clarion Advisory, Matt worked within the commercial insurance industry, serving as a broker and vice president within a division of an international fortune 500 brokerage with offices based in Los Angeles, California.

Matt was born and raised in Minnesota and is a 1991 graduate of Saint John’s University. Matt currently resides in South Orange County, California with his wife Arlene, a clinical psychologist & consultant, and their three young children.

Matt’s passion is writing and publishing and advancing the conservative cause.

When not writing, Matt enjoys racing around after his children attending his sons’ baseball and soccer games and daughter’s dance and drama performances. And working on his hook in golf and newly re-discovered interest in downhill skiing.

Matt welcomes comments and can be reached at,

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