Here is a good list of events being held across the Land of Lincoln on Thursday. See if one is near you and go protest the over reach of this out-of-control government.
April 15, 2010 Tax Day Tea Party Rallies in Illinois:
- 11:00am Peoria Tax Day Tea Party Rally (Peoria Tea Party)
- 11:00am Carbondale Patriot’s Rally (Carbondale Tea Party)
- 12:00 Joliet Tax Day Tea Party (Joliet Tea Party)
- 12:00 Naperville Tax Day Rally (Naperville Tea Party)
- 12:00 Chicago Tax Day Tea Party (Tea Party Patriots Chicago)
- 12:00 Champaign Tax Day Tea Party Rally (Champaign Tea Party)
- 12:00 East Central Illinois Tax Day Tea Party – Danville, IL
- 12:00 Marion Tax Day TEA Party (Marion TEA Party Patriots)
- 12:00 Mt. Vernon Tax Day Tea Party Rally (Patriots of Jefferson County)
- 3:00 Chicago Tax Day Tea Party Rally (Chicago Tea Patriots)
- 3:00 Crystal Lake Tea Party (McHenry County Tea Party)
- 3:00 Palatine Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Rally (Palatine Tea Party)
- 3:00 West Central Illinois Tea Party Rally–Monmouth, IL
- 4:30 Kane County Taxpayer Tea Party – Geneva, IL (Kane County Taxpayer Tea Party)
- 4:30 Americans For Fair Immigration Reform March and Rally – Decatur, IL
- 5:00 Salem Tax Day Rally (Salem T.E.A. Party Patriots)
- 6:00 Effingham Tax Day Tea Party (Effingham Tea Party)
- 6:00 Bloomington Tax Day TEA Party (Bloomington-Normal TEA Party)
List compiled by the Cook County Tea Party. The Cook Tea Party site has maps and other info about each event if you’d like more info.
H/T to Chicago News Bench for alerting me to this list.