The Dregs of American Society Meet at Another Anti-War Rally

Imagine the body odor at this thing!

Flag burners, hypocrites, hippie wannabes, terror supporters, Taqiyya-pushing, Islamic terror loving, anti-American cretins, and the average and generally uninformed, hate-filled leftists… you know, the kind that fills the Democrat Party… the kind we’ve all met that lean to the anti-American left? You know, those kind that are just like every Democrat? Yeah, here they are for your viewing enjoyment…

Notice that communists and socialists proudly display their signs among these sort of human debris? This video is in stark contrast to anything you’d find at a Tea Party protest. There you’ll find true patriots. Sure they are mad at what is going on in the U.S. today but they don’t despise their country like these creeps in this video do.

From the good folks at Accuracy In Media.

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