9th District, Pollak: On Ethics, Let the Minority Rule

From the Pollak for Congress campaign (9th District)…

-By Joel B. Pollak (Published in American Thinker Magazine – March 2010)

The scandals surrounding former Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) and Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) threaten Democratic control of what Speaker Nancy Pelosi once boasted would be “the most ethical Congress in history.” Just four years ago, a string of high-profile ethical fiascos likewise doomed Republican control of Congress.

It is no surprise, then, that the American public has lost faith in Congress. Several polls show approval of Congress at less than twenty percent. Each party promises to end the rot, yet neither party succeeds when in power. Partly this is due to a failure of political will. Yet the deeper problem may be structural, within the rules of the House itself — specifically, the rules governing the ethics committee. Read more… (http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/03/on_ethics_let_the_minority_rul_1.html)

Obama’s War Against Israel

-By Joel B. Pollak (Published in American Thinker Magazine – March 2010)

There’s a joke making the rounds in my suburban Chicago neighborhood about the clash between the Obama administration and the Netanyahu government: Why did Vice-President Joe Biden get angry when Israel embarrassed him by announcing new construction in Jerusalem’s Ramat Shlomo neighborhood? Because it’s usually Biden’s job to embarrass himself.

The joke has carried on far too long. The tension between the two governments is being stoked by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a deliberate attempt to weaken the coalition of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. If Israel had committed a real foul, the Obama administration could have used a quiet threat of public condemnation to force Israeli concessions, and the Netanyahu government would have little choice but to comply. Read more… (http://frontpagemag.com/2010/03/19/obamas-war-against-israel/)

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