8th District Race: Joe Walsh Rally Dec. 17

If you have ‘HAD ENOUGH’ with the direction our country is heading, please join me for a WALSH CHRISTMAS RALLY!

Together we can plan the next 6 weeks to win on February 2nd to take the challenge to Melissa Bean in November 2010.

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Hackney’s Restaurant
880 N. Old Rand Rd.
Lake Zurich, Il
5:30P to 9:00P
Joe Walsh to speak at 6:30PM
(Free soft drinks & munchies, cash bar for beer/liquor)

This is an Open House event. Bring family, friends, neighbors who have ‘Had Enough’. Come join ‘Boots on the Ground’ to volunteer for the next 6 weeks and election day.

Together we become a Winning Team!

Copyright Publius Forum 2001