Rosanna Pulido, staunch defender for unemployed American citizens in her district, expressed outrage this afternoon at Luis Guterriez’s Amnesty reform bill, to be introduced some time this month. “With unemployment in Illinois at 10% and rising, our nation’s legal law abiding citizens do not need more competition for jobs”, Rosanna said. “It is irresponsible public policy”.
53 rallies have been held across the country this week protesting the Obama administration’s amnesty for undocumented immigrants already living in the United States, along with a promise of tougher enforcement and a streamlined legal immigration system. In other countries, if you enter their borders illegally, you could be shot or thrown in prison. Cross the border into America, you get a drivers license, Social Security card, welfare, Food Stamps, bank accounts and credit cards, subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house, free education, free health care, a lobbyist in Springfield and Washington and a voter registration card. All paid for by the Illinois taxpayer.
What we should be thinking about is the safety of our citizens. Chicago is attracting undocumented criminals that put the safety of our law abiding legal citizens at risk. The Chicago Sanctuary City ordinance prevents all Chicago’s City employees, including the Chicago Police, from communicating with federal immigration agencies. This applies to all known criminals: gang members, drug dealers even child molesters. If a Police Officer stops a suspect who doesn’t speak English, has no passport or any form of ID and that Officer has reason to believe the suspect is an illegal alien, he is prohibited from speaking to Immigration authorities. Once an illegal alien offender is in the court system he is released back onto the street putting your life and the lives of your family at risk.
“We should be concentrating on getting our economy back on track and helping families get back to work”, said Rosanna. “We should be protecting the safety of our citizens. Chicago already has serious problems with crime and taxpayer money going to undocumented immigrants. Guitierrez should be concentrating on the concerns of everyone in Chicago, not just for illegals who are benefiting much more already than they would in any other country.”
Rosanna Pulido is running for Congress in the Illinois 5th District. You can visit her website at