(11th District) Kinzinger Asks How Much VP Biden’s Visit for Halvorson Fundraiser Cost Taxpayers?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Republican Candidate for the 11th District House seat Adam Kinzinger is still trying to find out how much Vice President Joe Biden’s August 20 appearance at a Democrat fundraiser for Rep. Debbie Halvorson (D) cost the taxpayers for police protection and city services.

Along with Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica (R), Kinzinger, a U.S. Air Force pilot, has filed several Freedom of Information Act requests with Chicago and Cook County to discover the costs of Biden’s fly-by visit at least to those two municipalities.

Police interrupted travel from the airport, cleared city streets, monitored protesters and helped the vice president’s motorcade of unmarked squads and the Secret Service snake through Chicago’s West Side and South Loop.

Biden took care of other business while here during the August 20 visit, but the chief reason he came was for the Halvorson fundraiser. Kinzinger wants to know how much Halvorson’s fundraiser cost the taxpayers?

“What did the city have to provide? That fundraiser had to have police and fire doing overtime in a city where they’re telling people to take furloughs,” said Adam Kinzinger, of Manteno. “She raised money at the fundraiser; she should give some of it back so people aren’t footing the bill for her campaign.”

Let’s face it, whenever a president or vice president comes to any U.S. city it cost the taxpayers many thousands of dollars. It is truly a waste of money for taxpayers to have a visit from one of these guys. We, the people, cannot afford you any more. Stay in Washington!

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