Newspaper Story Reveals Pelosi’s Life Struggle

After all this time, I was not aware of the hurdles that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D, CA) has overcome to get where she is. But after seeing this story on the website of KING, Channel 5 news I have to say that I am taken aback by Mrs. Pelosi’s brave fight against her disability.

We can all applaud the Speaker for overcoming this severe disability. So, kudos to you Speaker Pelosi.

5 thoughts on “
Newspaper Story Reveals Pelosi’s Life Struggle”

  1. How tragic. I weep for her. She needs around-the-clock professional care, she should not be having the stress of being the Speaker Of The House. Give her the time to heal as well as she can….

  2. Yeah, I couldn’t resist. That is a real news story of a woman that was born with only half her brain working, but I made a few strategic changes.

  3. Pretty funny. Not.

    It was bad enough that the author plagiarized from a CNN story published on October 13th about a brave real woman named Michelle Mack who overcame a real disability.

    But then to phony up a webpage for KING-TV?

    Shame on you.

  4. I, for one, am happy to start a fundraiser for Prescient Okie for that funny bone transplant she is in such need of. Obviously hers died and she needs a replacement STAT!

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