Guns are not the Problem: Crooks Are!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Almost every gun critic uses specious arguments to support the unsupportable. They are defending a castle in ruins. However, they keep trying by using the Bible and Christ to prop up their fallacious argument: only police and the military should possess guns.

The argument is not whether or not Jesus carried a weapon. After all, He was God. Why would He need a weapon? However, the question is should Christians have guns and use them when necessary? I have been accused of taking the position that guns are “godly” but I never took that position. My critics often opine that “Guns are evil.” Guns are inanimate objects, neither good nor evil, but they can be used for good or evil. Likewise, humans can use drugs, automobiles, knives, clubs, etc., in an evil and harmful way or in a good way.

Wimpy liberals lose total control of their thinking process when it comes to guns. It is better to have a gun and not need it than need one and not have one. Many wimps would stand by and permit intruders to harm, rape, even kill their family! I took a vow to protect my wife so that means anyone in our home late at night will be presumed a thief, rapist, and killer. He will be shot graveyard dead. The following day, I will contact the governor of Georgia and ask him when he wants me to come to Atlanta for an awards ceremony. I assume he will give me the key to the city of Atlanta and maybe designate the day, “Don Boys’ Day” in honor of me removing scum from our state and making innocent people more secure.

Don’t misunderstand. I don’t want to harm anyone and will go out of my way not to do so, but if anyone is going to be harmed, it will be the thug in my home, not me or my wife. Is that too difficult for critics to comprehend? You see, all the bad guys have to do to stay alive is not to break into homes or steal property but obey the laws. After all, that’s what I do.

Liberal wimps, pacifists, cowards, and others flee to the Garden in John 18:11 where Peter cut off the man’s right ear (he was aiming for his head!) and Jesus told Peter to put his sword into its sheath; however, He didn’t tell him to throw down his sword or sell it in a silly buyback program sponsored by Jerusalem Anti-Sword Society. Christ told them that His time had come to die for our sins. No self-defense was required. However, liberals twist that passage like a pretzel to support fanatical gun laws and excuse their cowardice.

Gun critics don’t know or refuse to admit that one of the last things Jesus said in Luke 22:36 was for the Disciples to sell their coats and buy a sword! Why did He command that? Obviously, because they didn’t have shotguns in that day! A sword would suffice.

Dr. John Lott’s seminal study, published as “More Guns, Less Crime” clearly proves to any sane person that the more guns that are in the hands of the good guys means more safety for the average citizen. You see, guns don’t kill people. People kill people—using guns, knives, clubs, frozen fish, turkey, etc. Gun control is a killer of people, innocent people.

It is not difficult to understand that when crooks know citizens are unarmed, the citizens become the targets of the bad guys. Since 1982, every home in Kennesaw, GA, has been required to have a weapon except for felons, nuts, and those opposed for religious’ reasons. That law made the knees of every liberal in America jerk. Left ones, of course. Now if I’m a thief and want some loot, I have to make a choice what homes to rob. Will I choose homes in Kennesaw or the suburb down the Interstate? Of course, I will stay away from Kennesaw, although no one says thieves are very smart—just as gun control advocates are not the brightest bulb in the house.

Twelve years after the gun law, the city doubled its population, tax rates fell while tax receipts soared. They did have a homicide in 1989 but it was committed with a knife, while a shooting occurred at a motel in 1986 involved two out-of-state young men. They each dared the other to shoot and one did. They were drunk as a politician at a free booze bar. When a reporter asked the part-time mayor if the Kennesaw gun law would work in New York City, he replied that he wasn’t sure but New York’s gun control laws sure weren’t working now! Good response.

In 1997, the Australian government took many guns off the streets in a failed buy-back scheme. Since then, the crime rate has soared! One year after the 1997 $500 million dollar buyback there was a 44 percent increase in armed robberies; an 8.6 percent increase in aggravated assaults; and, a 3.2 percent increase in homicides. That same year in the state of Victoria, there was a 300 percent increase in homicides committed with firearms. Not unusual since the good guys were at the mercy of the bad guys. While the police are often helpful, they are no help when a gun is pointed at you or your child. I would rather have a gun in my hand than a cop on the phone! Wouldn’t any sane person?

In fact, the Australian government told police departments not to discuss crime statistics with anyone. The Aussie actual crime statistics are twice what is reported in the media. Some American cities use the same subterfuge to hide their crime rates. Here in the states we call that deception which of course is stock and trade of all politicians.

In Australia, the police can enter any house and search for guns without a search warrant and they can go door to door searching for weapons that have not been surrendered! The officials used registration lists to see if citizens were in compliance. In 1998, even knives and handcuffs were banned. I think the Aussies have spent too much time in the sun and it steamed their brains.

I have been to Australia four times, have travelled from Queensland to New South Wales to Victoria even a couple times to Gladstone, and have been informed that the buyback plan was a farce. Many people sold their junk weapons and purchased better, higher priced guns. Moreover, some fools who surrendered very expensive guns discovered that they were not destroyed but ended up in the basements of various police chiefs’! Furthermore, various people have told me that guns have been buried on the property of judges and legislators, without those officials’ knowledge, of course, and when necessary that information will be reported to other authorities! When that happens, the judges and legislators will have to defend themselves against the charge of hiding contraband! Breaks my heart!

Heinrich Himmler of the German SS said, “Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA – ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State.” However, we are not obligated to “serve the state.” The state is here to serve and protect us. Moreover, the Second Amendment in America guarantees all the other Amendments!

The right kind of Gun control is a person using both hands to control his weapon. No, gun control is not about gun control. It is about people control and the British and Aussies have surrendered control to their government. A government tries to control its citizens only if it fears them. We should love and support our government but be suspicious of and fear any administration.

Too bad. Australia and England used to be great nations, and I’m afraid America is headed in the same direction.
Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 13 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years His most recent book is ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! His websites are and

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