-By Glenn Flowers
I’ve been thinking a lot about the trillions of dollars that have been spent or allocated in Obama’s plan to, supposedly, get the economy back on track. There is a lot about this that has a bad smell to it, but one aspect really is putrid.
Let’s imagine a friend came to you and asked for a loan to enable him to keep his home and feed his family. You would love to be able to help him out, but you have no cash. Feeling like you must do something for your friend, you offer to give him your CreditPlus card that has an unlimited line of credit. He is very appreciative and you feel you have done a good thing.
About three months later, your CreditPlus statement comes in the mail and shows new purchases of $11, 600. You are shocked but decide to calmly ask your friend how he and the family are doing and see what he says. He is up front and tells you how much he’s spent on your card before you even ask. You let him know that you are glad to have been able to help. He then says he is very appreciative and he is sorry that he has created that amount of a burden for you to have to deal with in the future. He says he hopes you will be able to pay the debt without too much trouble. You are flabbergasted that he expects you to pay off the debt that he has borrowed from you.
Now, back to reality.
We have all been told that our economy is in such bad shape that trillions of dollars have been “borrowed” from the taxpayers by the government to enable it to stimulate the economy. We have been told that each taxpayer now has approximately $118,000 worth of debt that will have to be paid back in the coming years, and our grandkids may have to payback some of the borrowed money too.
Why do we have to pay back the money that was BORROWED FROM US? It seems to me that if it was taxpayer dollars that was borrowed, then someone needs to pay the taxpayer back.
Never in my life have I loaned money to someone and then been required to PAY IT BACK.
Does anyone else see my point? Am I right in suspecting that this may be a scam on the People?
Obama has reached into the future and confiscated a large amount of our future earnings to do whatever it is he is doing. He then tells us that that money will have to be paid back, BY US, THE LENDER.
Huh uh. No way am I goin’ for this crapola. Obama may be stupid and crooked enough to think he can get away with it, but he hasn’t ever dealt with Glenn Flowers on a one-to-one basis before. And if he is as smart as he thinks he is, he wouldn’t start now.
If this is our money being used then I expect that money to be returned to me and every other taxpayer by crediting us as having pre-paid that amount in taxes, or by issuing us a check for the $118,000 they said was each taxpayer’s burden. I do not intend to have my future earnings garnished by $118,000 and then pay that $118,000 back in taxes.
Have I assessed this situation correctly, or am I way off base here?
Glenn Flowers is a retired electrical designer and Vietnam era USAF veteran living in Southern California. A staunch supporter of the Constitution and American values, Glenn writes on what he sees as the critical issues facing our nation and the responsibilities We the People have in resolving those issues.
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