-By Ann “Babe” Huggett
Although I didn’t vote for him, and, if you are reading this, there’s a good chance that you didn’t vote for him either, Barack Hussein Obama is our President for better or for worse, for good or for ill or until after four years do us part. Until then, it’s Suffer Time; break it down!
The mind reels. Obama, and by extension, his Cabinet and political appointees, is just one unmitigated disaster after another. From instituting socialist engineering, appointing tax cheats to high positions, to the thuggish take-over of our auto industry, Barack Obama and his socialist henchmen, are running amok in this country merrily ripping, tearing and shredding our Constitution as they go along.
Right now I am listening to Shawn Hannity’s Radio Show and he just announced that according to the latest Rasmussen Poll, only 53% of Americans still believe in capitalism. By extension that means 47% are just fine with socialism or maybe 1% believes in socialism and the other 46% either doesn’t know or doesn’t care, but who am I kidding? Actually, the Rasmussen Poll in question says that 20% of those polled say socialism tops capitalism and the other 27% hasn’t a clue. Our ignorance factories, a.k.a. public schools, have been doing their best to crank out good little socialists for decades now but if you think only 20% have been listening in class, you’d be wrong.
Now an earlier Rasmussen Report had results that showed 70% of Americans favored a “free-market economy” and that result was taken to show that Americans were still capitalists at heart. But not so fast there, bucko. Do you know who the biggest proponent of free markets was? It was none other than Karl Marx himself.
Yes, Karl Marx thought free markets were just jim dandy because they destroyed national sovereignty. Allow me to quote Marx’s last word on Free Trade from his speech On the Question of Free Trade delivered in Brussels in 1847 and reprinted in English in 1887 during the repeal of the Corn Laws in Britain, “But, in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.”
Kindly notice Marx disparages protectionism as conservative and promotes free trade as destructive. Now, where have we recently heard the same sentiments but without the acknowledgment or realization of the destruction part? Can we say the G20 Summit in London? Yes, I knew we could. Before the Summit occurred, British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, said, “One of the messages that must come from next week’s summit is that we will reject protectionist countries, we will monitor those countries and name and shame if necessary countries that are not following free trade practices.”
Is it any wonder then that President Obama just skittered away as fast as he did when he dared to consider protecting the American steel industry from unfair Italian pricing structures? Globalists like Obama consider “Buy American” a dirty concept.
Yet for all the globaloney, protectionist trade wars are breaking out all over the world especially among developing nations like India and Brazil. And any nation, like China, that subsidizes its industries, is only paying lip service to a One World Economy.
As to that One World Economy business, trade and markets functioned just fine before it. Free Markets work wonderfully well within individual nations where market forces and the Law of Supply and Demand function properly. Before we had Free Trade we had Fair Trade. Tariffs were added to imports to counteract unfair pricing competition from nations with subsidized industries and slave labor to keep our domestic markets stable and functioning.
Unfortunately for all of us, free trade has co-opted the understanding of free markets and are now used interchangeably because we have been dragged into a Globalist trading system that despises national sovereignty and views all workers, whether they are in Memphis, TN or Memphis, Egypt as equal, to be paid the same and tossed aside when they are no longer economically advantageous to the corporate-fascist system.
The more I watch our leaders and ruling elites in action, the more I realize that that they do not understand human nature, which is territorial and protective. Transnationalists, like Brown and Obama, may feel that they are World Citizens but when you belong everywhere, you belong nowhere. That communism/socialism/fascism that they supposedly believe in is international in concept but, as I just stated, humans are territorial. My guess is that our current crop of Globalists is still stuck within their collegiate mode of the romantic version of socialism as understood by immature minds.
One of the toughest and most important classes that I ever took in college was a 19th Century European History class where our instructor, Professor Irma Eickhorn, actually made us read Marx’s Das Kapital as an assignment.
It was a horrific experience and what I learned was invaluable. Now, I was already familiar with Marx’s Communist Manifesto and was quite adept at refuting it. What I didn’t expect was that my fellow classmates, almost all of whom proclaimed themselves to be either socialists or Marxist sympathizers, were totally and completely outraged over the assignment. They simply could not believe that their intellectual hero, Karl Marx, could be so vicious, disingenuous, dangerous, vindictive, BORING and ultimately wrong.
Ann “Babe” Huggett is the Associate editor and Publisher of TheRealityCheck.org. She is also co-owner and moderator of Free Britannia.org, a conservative British-American site dedicated to events affecting the Anglosphere.
Starting in 2001 and based on her political essays which appeared on grass roots conservative web sites such as The Reality Check and American Daily, in 2003 Ann became the Senior Writer and Political Analyst for Digital Freedom Network, a small conservative Think Tank in Newark, New Jersey. Ann covered news events relating to the cause of freedom and democracy in North America, South America, and the EU. Her articles were picked up by the State Departmentís OSAC Newsletter, the Knight-Ridder and Gannett news agencies, and the websites for Jewish World Review, American Cause, American Patrol and Townhall.com.
In 2004, due to her political writing, Ann was accepted as one of 30 international entrants in Londonís Centre for Civil Societyís The Frederic Bastiat Award for Journalism Promoting Liberty.
Ann is currently appearing as an on air radio talent as ìBabeî Huggett, with co-host Warner Todd Huston, on Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Conservatism on Blog Talk Radio every Thursday at 11:00 pm ET. She is happily married to her greatest passion – a wonderful British expatriate – John Huggett, whom she met on the web in 1999 and married thirteen months later at the Marylebone Registrarís Office in London, UK.
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