Is Hillary Clinton the Rodney Dangerfield of the Obama Administration?

-By Ann “Babe” Huggett

Comedian and vaguely funny guy, Rodney Dangerfield, may be fast fading from our collective cultural memory but his tag line of, “I get no respect!” should be engraved over Hillary Clinton’s office door in the State Department. Expecting to be the power behind the Obama throne, Hillary gamely accepted her position of Secretary of State thinking that her former aides now infesting the current administration and the covertly leftist State Department would rally round her and not their new darling, Barack Obama.

Well, surprise, surprise! Hillary not only calculated wrongly but is constantly humiliated by savage, Chicago machine political egos even more petty and calculating than hers. From sending her out of the country on useless junkets to Upper Revolta and Cheapistan to watching her screw up royally through symbolic language gaffes with the Russians or displaying cultural ignorance in Mexico while viewing the iconic Virgin of Guadalupe painting, the ship of State, U.S.S. Clinton is sinking fast.

Secretary Clinton is doing her impotent best trying to rein in the North Koreans from firing their test missile and offering peace overtures to the Iranians. However, it should come as no surprise that she is getting sneered at for her efforts.

So, to add insult to her current set of injuries, administration aides set up an 800 number for journalists currently in London covering the G20 summit to call in to an “on-the- record briefing call” with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and National Security Advisor, Jim Jones, to discuss the NATO summit.”

Well, the 800 number originally supplied got to a Madame alright but not to Madame Secretary. Instead of Hillary Clinton answering, some soft-voiced hooker answered instead asking for the caller’s credit card number, “…if you feel like getting nasty.”

Now the Obama administration may be hard pressed for cash to cover their spending orgy but prostituting Hillary?

Argh! Now doesn’t that thought conjure up some pretty scary images? Can you imagine over-the-Capital-Hill Hillary Clinton as a kitten with a whip? Or maybe you better not; no need to suffer permanent psychological damage.

The White House did scramble to correct the mistake with a fast blast press release that read, “If you are having trouble dialing into the call, please try this number as an alternative.” but by the time the correct number got out, the conference was already in progress.

FOX News reported the mix-up and Deputy White House Press Secretary, Bill Burton, made a testy reply of, “A corrected phone number on a press release is probably one of the stupider things FOX News has covered lately.”

“Stupider?” Now that is a word to add to one’s vocabulary! It should come in quite handy as the rest of the Obama years unfold. But the damage was done and, once again, Secretary Clinton is left with egg on her face by the Obama White House. It’s hardly comforting to realize that the people, who confuse 800 sex numbers with conference calls about NATO are the same ones drafting policy to run America and influence the world.

Oh, and the rest of the Rodney Dangerfield quote is, “The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest.”
Ann “Babe” Huggett is the Associate editor and Publisher of She is also co-owner and moderator of Free, a conservative British-American site dedicated to events affecting the Anglosphere.

Starting in 2001 and based on her political essays which appeared on grass roots conservative web sites such as The Reality Check and American Daily, in 2003 Ann became the Senior Writer and Political Analyst for Digital Freedom Network, a small conservative Think Tank in Newark, New Jersey. Ann covered news events relating to the cause of freedom and democracy in North America, South America, and the EU. Her articles were picked up by the State Departmentís OSAC Newsletter, the Knight-Ridder and Gannett news agencies, and the websites for Jewish World Review, American Cause, American Patrol and

In 2004, due to her political writing, Ann was accepted as one of 30 international entrants in Londonís Centre for Civil Societyís The Frederic Bastiat Award for Journalism Promoting Liberty.

Ann is currently appearing as an on air radio talent as ìBabeî Huggett, with co-host Warner Todd Huston, on Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Conservatism on Blog Talk Radio every Thursday at 11:00 pm ET. She is happily married to her greatest passion – a wonderful British expatriate – John Huggett, whom she met on the web in 1999 and married thirteen months later at the Marylebone Registrarís Office in London, UK.

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