North Carolina Judge Attacks Home-Schoolers!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

A North Carolina has ruled that a home-schooling mother must place her three children in a public school so they can get a “more well rounded education.” Hiz honor suggested that the children need to be exposed to the “real world.” Sure, they need to learn to be rebellious, to use drugs, to fornicate (with public school teachers), to curse, to copy obnoxious dress standards, etc. In my opinion, the judge is a jerk and has attacked all home-schoolers and their dedicated parents who have the long recognized right to decide what they want for their children.

Home-schoolers have a long and impressive record; yet in recent years, they have been persecuted and prosecuted instead of praised and promoted.

I am convinced that home-schoolers are the most dedicated and committed people in the world. They are also as independent as a hog on ice!

Home-schoolers are a threat to bumbling bureaucrats and pompous politicians who are not accustomed to dealing with principled people. Many judges think their rulings from the bench can make something just when it is unjust! Their rulings may be legal but not just. Many judges stand in front of a mirror awed with themselves in their black sheets indicating a messianic complex. They seem to be waiting for a vacancy in the Trinity! It is common for them to think they can walk on water, maybe explaining why so many judges are all wet.

A judge may find home-schooling parents guilty of “child abuse,” however, I am convinced the real child abusers are incompetent and uncaring judges who send parents to jail and place well-adjusted children in state homes that are rampant with sodomy, drugs, violence, etc. Of course, the state homes are licensed! There is no doubt that some judges are child abusers.

Prosecuting attorneys, determined to “cut another notch on their guns,” callously prosecute home-schoolers without regard to what is best for the children and are child abusers.

Social workers are the biggest child abusers in America as they weep copious tears for children while they lie, connive, and deceive to separate children from their parents with the zeal of a crusading, hatchet-wielding Aimee Semple McPherson.

Public educators who harass home-schoolers with the enthusiasm of Simon Legree pursuing an hysterical Eliza across the icy river are child abusers. They ask, “What assurance does the state have that the poor child will receive a proper education in a home school?” They ask that question without even the tinge of a blush! Public school people are embarrassed at the excellent performance of most home-schoolers. In the North Carolina case, the three children score two years above the public school level! If these “do gooders” really cared about children, they would move heaven and earth to get them out of the public schools that have become nut factories.

Don’t these Professional Child Abusers realize that we are aware that their certified public school teachers are often dumb as a box of rocks?

Don’t they know that accredited schools have produced a nation of illiterates resulting in a nation at risk according to a Federal report?

Some public educators are guilty of child abuse and they—along with the other child abusers—should go to jail! Yes, I know that jails are filled with killers, rapists, drug dealers, child molesters, the scum of the earth, but I don’t think the judges, prosecuting attorneys, social workers and public educators will corrupt the inmates much further!

Home-schoolers come out of the closet! March on the Bastille! Mount the barricades. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. What is the ammunition? Courage, commitment, conscience, and convictions.

Let’s kick officials like the North Carolina judge out of office who abuse children by forcing them into public schools and bring them before the bar of justice for their attacks on the home and Christian education.
Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 13 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years His most recent book is ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! His websites are and

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