MLK Was in Bed With Leading Communists!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Martin Luther King, if not a Communist, was a fool and tool of the Communist Party that was actively seeking to overthrow our government in favor of the Soviet Union. Many of them worked for him and the Communist Party at the same time! A few of the main Communists were:

  • Abner W. Berry was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party official.
  • Bayard Rustin was a lifetime black Communist leader who spent time in jail for lewd vagrancy and performing lewd homosexual acts in public. He also spent twenty-six months in jail for draft dodging.
  • Hunter Pitts O’Dell was King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference top man in the Southeast and member of the National Committee of the Communist Party. After newspapers reported O’Dell’s association with Communists, King fired him making much to do about it. Then he immediately hired him (without making anything to do about it) to run the New York City SCLC office. O’Dell also worked for Jesse Jackson.
  • Stanley Levison was the bagman for the Communist Party. He distributed millions of dollars from the Russian KGB (the Soviet secret police) to finance Communist activities in the U.S.! King’s wife, Coretta, said he was “a devoted and trusted” friend of King. He edited King’s book Stride Toward Freedom, wrote many of his speeches and filled out his income tax returns. Remember that this dude was working for the Soviet KGB secret police and King at the same time!

The FBI recruited two former high-ranking Communist Party members, brothers Morris and Jack Childs as informants. This Operation Solo lasted until 1980 and looked into the funding of the Party. Jack revealed that the Soviet government funded the U.S. Communist Party about one million per year! Jack also revealed that New York attorney, Stanley Levison, was the bagman for the hostile foreign government.

No wonder Federal officials were concerned with King’s association with active, dedicated Communists. Attorney General Robert Kennedy warned King especially about Levison in 1962, but King refused to take his advice. About a year later, President Kennedy told King: “They’re Communists. You’ve got to get rid of them.”

*Robert Williams was an American living in Cuba and three times a week did a radio broadcast into the U.S. urging Blacks to attack white Americans. The foreword to his book Negroes With Guns was written by Martin Luther King! All the editors and publishers of the book were members of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. Lee Harvey Oswald was also a member!

*Carl and Anne Braden, a white couple was close to King and often spoke at his meetings even after they were publicly identified as Communist Party members. Carl was convicted of conspiring to bomb a house, but not a house of a White right-winger. It was a Black’s home and the blame was to be placed on “white segregationists.” Again, according to plan.

I could go on and on about other unsavory characters such as Rev. James Bevel, James Webb, and many others who were in bed with King.

Many conservatives have asked, “What would be the reaction if a national holiday were suggested to honor a man, even a good man, who had ties with the Klan or the Christian Identity movement?” Would it not be expected that everyone would demand that he answer some questions and his life be looked at very closely? Why is King an exception?

While Americans were dying in the rice paddies of Southeast Asia, King (who had a military deferment because of being a ministerial student) supported our enemy, the Vietcong! King told Stokely Carmichael, radical Black Power leader, that he wanted to “help our Viet Cong comrades in arms” by causing disruption in American cities! However, he had not a word of criticism when the Vietcong butchered village chiefs and carved flesh from a chief’s wife. No, his complaints and criticism were for Americans.

A leader in the ACLU, Joseph O’Meara, dean of Notre Dame’s Law School, said that King and Black Panther Stokely Carmichael, “weep only for the enemy.” He said that he was “persuaded the objectors are either Communists, or traitors, or cowards.” Wow! That was a long-time leader in the ACLU!

On April 4, 1967, King delivered a major speech at Riverside Church in New York City where he almost fouled his nest! He made incredible statements such as calling our military in Vietnam “conquerors and oppressors” and likened them to “Nazis!” He said the U.S. Government was “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today,” and recommended that young men refuse to serve in Vietnam! He even charged that the U.S. had poisoned Vietnam water supply and killed “a million of them–mostly children.” Even Life magazine said the speech was “a demagogic slander that sounded like a script for Radio Hanoi!” The New York Times, Washington Post, NAACP, Urban League and others distanced themselves from King after his irresponsible speech.

King was losing his luster because some of the black groups knew his jumping into the Vietnam issue would dry up their funds from guilt-ridden liberals. Others simply could not believe he could be so foolish as to make such outrageous, unfounded charges against America. But his murder (some in high places, say conspiracy) made him a hero who, in death, is almost untouchable. It is interesting that some of the same people who abhor Jane Fonda, applaud King! Ah, yes, sweet consistency!
Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 13 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years His most recent book is ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! His websites are and

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