Rising Unemployment and Illegal Immigration

-By Dan Scott

I have been pondering the unemployment issue for a while, especially the El Centro, CA figure of 23.3%… We all know an illegal worker is NOT allowed to draw unemployment benefits. But something here just doesn’t make sense. We keep on viewing the world with a double standard where we as law abiding citizens assume those who draw government benefits and those who give them are doing so according to the Law. I believe this to be a totally false assumption.

We keep finding out via the Sanctuary City movement, people and officials are breaking the law contrary to our assumptions.

  1. It is illegal to cross the border, but millions do it anyway.
  2. It is illegal for a non citizen to work without a permit/green card, but millions do it anyway.
  3. It is illegal to fill out government forms under false pretenses but millions have done so on the I-9.
  4. It is illegal to use someone else’s social security number, but millions do so anyway to get a job.
  5. It is illegal to misrepresent your citizenship status in obtaining a driver’s license, yet we have governors prepared to literally look the other under the guise of bringing them out of the shadows.
  6. We still have police departments directed not to hand over illegal immigrants to ICE and NOT to ask regarding their immigration status in the first place.

Let’s be clear about the above activities, most of them are felonies with prison time in excess of one year:

  • Using false documents to be employed: A maximum penalty of 10 years without parole in federal prison and a fine up to $250,000.
  • Making a false statement on an I-9: A maximum penalty of 5 years in federal prison without parole and a fine up to $250,000.
  • Misusing a Social Security number: A maximum penalty of 5 years in federal prison without parole and a fine up to $250,000.
  • Making a false claim of resident alien status: A maximum penalty of 5 years in federal prison without parole and a fine up to $250,000.
  • Using false documents with intent to defraud the United States: A maximum penalty of 15 years in federal prison without parole and a fine up to $250,000.
  • Possession of false United States documents: A maximum penalty of 15 years in federal prison without parole and a fine up to $250,000.
  • Illegal border crossing is subject to up to one year in prison (misdemeanor) and a fine up to a $5,000.
  • Aiding and Abetting a felon is also a crime.

It is claimed that illegal aliens are not allowed to draw government benefits like food stamps, TANF, HOC, etc., are we so sure they are not? Given the Sanctuary City movement directing local officials to look the other way by deliberately NOT asking the question citizenship status from where does such assurance come? Why in the world would we think the current run up in unemployment has not been significantly padded by illegal aliens drawing unemployment insurance? Has this all been the Sanctuary City supporters means to stealthily give government benefits where they are expressly disallowed? Why would local officials of El Centro, CA (a Sanctuary City) behave differently when doling out unemployment benefits? The rising unemployment could be explained rising oil prices slowing the economy (no recession) due to the incompetence of Democrats refusing to lift the drilling ban. However, is it a coincidence that the run up of unemployment has occurred roughly during the same time period many states and ICE are enforcing the labor laws and using the E-Verify system verify if a person is allowed to work?? Perverse thought isn’t it?

Here’s something to ponder: when the BLS reports its general stats by race, there is no “Hispanic” category as there is for White, Black and Asian even though Hispanics are a significant subgroup greater in number than Blacks or Asians. Hispanics are counted under the “white” grouping… To get the Hispanic data you have to go to this report: and this data table: http://www.bls.gov/webapps/legacy/cpsatab3.htm Notice the run up of unemployment from August last year (1,185,000) to now (1,777,000) has been a dramatic 50% increase or 592,000 people. However, notice the “Employed” figure of the same period: 20,647,000 vs. 20,485,000, a 162,000 decrease. Now let’s note the “Not in Labor Force number” for the same period: 9,688,000 vs. 10,011,000, a 323,000 increase.

How can Hispanics legally have 592,000 more unemployed people when their total employment number has only dropped 162,000? How is it that the “Not in Labor Force” number increase by 323,000 on top of 592,000 unemployed number? All of this can’t really be due to high school graduation and people retiring in their ethnic group? Can it?

Checking the Census Bureau data on hand: Page 8 of this government .pdf document. Hispanic or Latino in thousands for the period 2000 to 2006.

Gross Increase 9,015  
Net Natural 5,017  
births 5,704  
deaths 687  
immigrated 3,998  

Of the 9 million increase in Hispanic population from 2000 to 2006 (6 years) 5 million were born here and 4 million came here (illegally I would contend). So that’s a total rate of 1.5 million a year increase over that period. The expected legal Hispanic rate of increase is 5 mil/6 yrs or 833,000 per year and should be reflected in the total of all their BLS numbers. We saw an increase in the “Not in Labor Force” number of 323,000 so that leaves 510,000 to add to the change in “Employed”. When we subtract 592,000 unemployed from 510,000, we get 82,000 people over what we would expect to see.

However, this is all based on the shaky presumption that all the other Hispanics beyond the 4 million are here legally. That’s not even remotely true, there are an estimated 13 million illegal aliens in this country. Using that estimate and the 2006 Census Bureau’s, about 25% of all Hispanics are here illegally, page 9 – 44,321,000 total number) combined with enforced work rules that 592,000 increase in unemployed figure could potentially (possible but not probable) be almost all illegals. Look at page 8 (table 11) in 2006 Census Bureau report there were 28,419,000 potential Hispanic workers from 16 – 64. If it is true there are 13 million illegals (working age adults, since any child born of them here is de facto legal) then almost half the working age Hispanic adults are illegals. That my friend is a truly troubling thought.

With a legal population of say 32 million Hispanics and an 833,000 a year increase, we would expect to see an annual 2.6% increase. It would take 27 years (72/2.6) to double the Hispanic population in natural terms but that’s not what we are seeing in the BLS figures. In 10 years their civilian labor force figures doubled. Their “Not in Labor Force” figure did not, it took almost 20 years. The conclusion is unavoidable, BLS is counting illegals in their data. Who would like to take the bet that most of the people in El Centro, CA drawing unemployment benefits are actually even allowed to work in this country????

So what’s the solution to this problem? We have one solution up and running from US Citizenship & Immigration Services (US CIS) who handles the E-Verify system. The question is: are State Unemployment Agencies using their system to cut fraudulent unemployment applications from illegals? NO. Does US CIS, who administers the E-Verify system, require the State Unemployment Agencies to verify if those applying for unemployment benefits are actually legally allowed to do so, just as they do for employers to verify for a job applicant? NO.

It seems we have come full circle in the life of this Republic as to taxation without representation. When a politician/leader does not represent/inform their followers of how they spend taxpayer money, then we have taxation without representation. At what point will our politicians start some truth telling as to their decisions to increase the cost of government and stop withholding information on the unfunded mandates they are placing upon the taxpayer? The fact that we are running annual budget deficits means any spending in excess of revenue is an unfunded mandate of their making, not ours. When did WE THE PEOPLE of these United States agree to this use of taxpayer funds for non citizens who flaunt our laws? The point of a democratic form of government is for an informed citizenry to give consent, a fait accompli is NOT informed consent. The essence of a Republic, is a leadership who represents most of our views. A Republic is NOT a leadership which does as it sees fit in defiance of those it leads as in an elitist Meritocracy. The difference between a Republic and Meritocracy/dictatorship is the consent of the governed.
Dan Scott calls himself a “Member of the Global Capitalist Cabal preaching Capitalism and personal responsibility as the economic solution to world poverty.” He is also a member of the 14th Amendment Society — victimhood is a liberal code word for denying the civil rights of others. He is also a proud member of the Global Warming Denier Cabal, insisting that facts not agendas determine the truth.

Dan can be seen on the web at http://www.geocities.com/fightbigotry2002/ as well as http://www.geocities.com/dscott8186/saidwebpage.htm, And can be reached for comments at dscott8186@yahoo.com.

2 thoughts on “Rising Unemployment and Illegal Immigration”

  1. Based upon the map you provided one could easily make that mistake, however if you check the maps provided in this article you will see high unemployment is localized. http://conservablogs.com/publiusforum/2009/01/24/economics-shotgun-style/

    There are many areas of the country where unemployment is under 4%. Staying in an area of chronic high unemployment is losing proposition both short and long term. For those in CA and MI its time to get out of Dodge.

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