-By Dan Scott
The master of rhetoric, Barack Obama has been talking up a storm how he is going to cut taxes for 95% of Americans, create jobs with alternative energy and give everyone affordable health care among other things. The great Democrat gift bag is to be opened with something for everyone. Of course he is going to do all this by raising taxes on the rich and the oil companies. One would think by his effervescence and popularity that he has been a great success helping the poor with an impressive track record to show for it. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth as it seems Obama is as hazy as a projected image upon a screen. Without the prompts of a teleprompter and a fawning media, Obama is just an empty suit.
I came across a very interesting website by CORE, the Congress of Racial Equality. http://www.stopwaronpoor.org/home.aspx To my surprise they had a very Republican message for a group that is normally a Democrat Party constituency. Did anyone know they had a demonstration on July 28th? Why did the MSM ignore them? What’s their message?
An excerpt from Chairman Roy Innis’ speech:
Why do I say that these policies disproportionately impact the poor? Consider these simple facts. (1) the average medium income family in America devotes about a nickel on the dollar to energy costs; (2) the average low-income family must devote 20 cents on the dollar to energy; (3) truly poor families must spend up to 50 cents on the dollar; and (4) here in Alaska, because of the need to use diesel in many rural areas, families undoubtedly spend even more!
This means that higher energy prices truly hurt the poor the most. And it means that those who force energy prices higher, by constricting the supply of energy, are guilty of waging a de facto War on the Poor.
These extreme environmentalists don’t complain about higher prices. They like higher prices. They know that price pain makes folks turn down their thermostat and drive their car less. They call this “energy conservation.” I call it economic enslavement. Higher energy prices keep the poor from rising to the middle class, and the middle class from climbing the ladder of success as well.
You see, energy is the master resource of modern society. It makes possible our ability to enjoy all civil rights with abundant, reliable, affordable energy, much is possible. Without it, hope, opportunity and progress are hobbled.
I do believe Mr. Innis has seen the light! It’s no wonder this has been a secret as the MSM would be as embarrassed as the Democrat Party were this more widely known. He had some other interesting things to say elsewhere on the site as well, however, I won’t spoil it for you but will leave the rest to your own discovery. — After all, the most memorable lesson is the one that you discovered for yourself.
When looking at the voting records regarding the issues of most concern to CORE, namely the poor, the voting record has some very interesting surprises. Firstly, most Republicans rate very highly, (no you are not imagining this) and Conservative Republicans generally rated the highest in their view for votes that most benefit the poor. Even of greater surprise though is who gets a ZERO. Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House gets a ZERO on her voting record. Maxine Waters, Representative from California, gets a ZERO on her voting record. Hillary Clinton, the erstwhile former candidate for Democrat Party’s nomination for President gets a ZERO on her voting record. Of course to my utter amazement, Barak Obama, the Democrat nominee for president gets a, wait for it, wait for it… A BIG FAT ZERO on his voting record for the poor.
Barak Obama worked with William Ayers on the Annenberg Challenge to determine how some $50 million dollars was to be spent on education. Obama was supposed to find the most effective manner to improve the educational opportunities and raise the general level of education of the failing Chicago school systems. Did they? One way to mark Obama’s success or lack thereof is to note that test scores did not go up. One thing seems sure, Barack Obama was quite seasoned as a rhetorical master since obviously he talked his way out of accountability back then as well.
To date we have yet to see a list of actual legislation Barack Obama introduced and got passed while he was in the state legislature or as a US Senator. Barack Obama’s track record thus far for the poor is an abysmal failure. But he sure does talk it up as though he did something grand. So to you who would vote for Barack Obama because he shares your skin color, I ask you: what has he really done for you? Is he really entitled to your vote? Does talking a good game really make him a desirable candidate when he has yet to deliver anything?
You should take the opportunity via the CORE homepage to tell Congress as CORE would say it,
“Sign & Give ‘Em A Piece of Your Mind!
Dear Congress:
I am fed up with high prices caused by laws that deny consumers access to affordable American energy. We need a greater supply of energy from all of America’s bountiful resources so that prices can drop. Quit playing politics and give Americans access to MORE AMERICAN ENERGY!”
As a conservative Republican I say, we look forward to working with CORE on the energy issue and hope that as we each demonstrate the sincerity of our principles we will both come to realize we are equally American in putting the country first. The Party of Lincoln will continue to demonstrate, as it did at its inception, that all Americans are important, regardless of their circumstances of birth. Talk is cheap and deceptive, action requires effort and the demonstration of character.
Dan Scott calls himself a “Member of the Global Capitalist Cabal preaching Capitalism and personal responsibility as the economic solution to world poverty.” He is also a member of the 14th Amendment Society — victimhood is a liberal code word for denying the civil rights of others. He is also a proud member of the Global Warming Denier Cabal, insisting that facts not agendas determine the truth.
Dan can be seen on the web at http://www.geocities.com/fightbigotry2002/ as well as http://www.geocities.com/dscott8186/saidwebpage.htm, And can be reached for comments at dscott8186@yahoo.com.
Here is Obama’s track record as a community organizer helping the poor: http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/353829,CST-NWS-rez23.article Tenants freezing in low income subsidized apartments rehabbed by Obama’s associates.