-By Don Boys, Ph.D.
I have been asked many times whom I will vote for in November, and my answer is Chuck Baldwin. “Chuck who?” you may ask. Chuck is the Constitution Party presidential candidate, and a long time friend of mine who lives in Pensacola. He has long served as pastor of the Crossroad Baptist Church, columnist, and is a well-known talk show host of “Chuck Baldwin Live.” I have preached in his church many times, have stayed in his home, know his family and consider him a very close friend. He is an informed, principled, and honest Christian conservative.
I voted for Pat Buchanan a few years ago and wrote the following: “Pat is a Roman Catholic; however, he is a principled person. Do you know many of those in politics? Yes, I have some problem with his theology, but we had Harry Truman, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton, all Baptists so I have determined that I would rather have a principled Catholic in the Oval Office than an unprincipled Baptist.” Or, I might add, an unprincipled Methodist!
In November, we have a choice of an independent Baptist candidate whom I will vote for with gusto. I suppose I feel emotionally the same way about Chuck as many Blacks feel about Obama being the nominee of the Democrat Party; however, I’m not voting for Chuck because he is a Baptist, or my friend, or of “my” Party but because he is the best choice as President of the United States. I wonder if the 90% of Blacks voting for Obama can honestly say the same thing. Furthermore, I wonder if the Republicans voting for McCain can say the same thing. Only God knows.
In the late 1970s, I was elected to the Indiana House of Representatives as a “Reagan Republican” and the Christians in the state were excited that “one of us” was in office. However, I never expected votes because who I was but because what I believed. In November, I expect principled Methodists, Muslims, and Mennonites to vote for Chuck as well as Jews, Catholics, Hindus and disenchanted, disgruntled, and dissident Democrats and Republicans. Moreover, if they “throw away their vote,” at least they are throwing it in the right direction.
Furthermore, if “lightning strikes” (or if God permits) and Chuck is elected I told him that I will keep his feet to the fire as to his promises. I assume he will take my calls to the Oval Office, as I seek to remind him of his roots and to demand that he keep his commitments when he has hundreds of others whispering inaccurate and dangerous information in his ears.
Almost all elected officials, upon arrival in Washington, get a virus that pulls them almost imperceptibly and irresistibly to the left. Example: Oran Hatch. Exception: Jesse Helms. Furthermore, if Chuck “gets Potomac Fever” and begins to believe his own press releases and gets (as Daddy would say) “too big for his britches,” I will call or visit him and remind him of the pit he was dug from.
There may be places where I disagree with Chuck. In fact, it would be incredible if that were not true. (I have just reviewed the platform of the Constitution Party, and it is an amazing document!) Since Chuck is honest and principled, he will be willing to listen to all the facts and make any adjustments in his positions if he is wrong. If he is not convinced, he will stubbornly hold to his original positions. Besides, in politics, you go with the best you can get, and I think Chuck is the best man on the political scene at this time in our history.
Chuck, like me, is as independent as a hog on ice. He will not be controlled by any entity. That scares party bigwigs, union bosses, and petty bureaucrats.
Chuck is against all foreign aid (as I am) and if that means that Israel must stop leaning on the U.S. after sixty years, so be it. Only a fool, fanatic, or flunky of the ADL would suggest that such a position reflects anti-Semitism. We will support Israel when it is in our best interests. All foreign aid must stop to all nations and to fund both Israel and the “Palestinians” is incredible, inscrutable, inane, and maybe insane.
Since he stands against affirmative action, it will be said that he is against Blacks. Well, is not every sane, fair-minded person against special treatment for Blacks, Latinos, Whites, etc? Every tub, of all colors, should sit on its own bottom. Chuck is right on affirmative action.
“Well, he also hates homosexuals.” No, one can believe that homosexuality is a terrible evil, yet not hate those who are into the perverted lifestyle. Homosexuality is dangerous, depraved, dirty, deadly, and dumb. Chuck is straight on homosexuality. In fact, he will refuse to appoint any homosexuals to high federal positions! Do you know any politician who has taken such a stand in our lifetime? Not even Reagan took that stand.
“But he isn’t a politician.” Right and that is an endorsement for him. We have seen what “politicians” have done to America. Could a non-politician do any worse? Surely, no one suggests that one must be a lawyer to be president! Chuck is a brilliant person who would keep his word. Wow, that would be unusual.
“But, he wants to build a wall around America, and keep people out.” What’s wrong with that? First, he has not suggested building a wall around America. He suggests a fence along part of our southern border to keep out illegal aliens. I find this an amazing criticism of Chuck and others who take the same position. How can anyone defend illegal aliens slipping into our country? A nation must control its borders. We have no obligation to keep such people or to provide for them once they are here.
As to gun control, Chuck would agree with me that it means to shoot equally well with either hand without shaking. It is criminals who need to be controlled not law-abiding citizens.
Since the GOP’s “me-too” policies forced Chuck (and me) out of the party, I will support him even knowing his candidacy may result in another internationalist being elected again. After all, the alternative to Chuck is McCain (warmed over Bush) and Obama (while he may or may not be a warmed-over Muslim, he is a red-hot internationalist liberal!). Anyway, a liberal is a liberal is a liberal. I’ll do right, take my chances with Chuck, and trust the results to God.
My vote goes to Chuck Baldwin and the results are in the hands of the One who puts on the throne those He will. And to put my money where my mouth is, my check is “in the mail.” Go Chuck, Go!
Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 13 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years His most recent book is ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! His websites are www.cstnews.com and www.Muslimfact.com.)
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