-By Vince Johnson
Dear Wesley:
Your recent comments on MEET THE PRESS June 29, 2008 are disturbing and entitled to rebuttal:
For example: You said: “He (John McCain) hasn’t held executive responsibility. That large squadron in the Navy that he commanded — that wasn’t a wartime squadron.”
Don’t you realize that the entire United States Senate will be unhappy to learn that you do not believe serving in either House of Congress involves executive responsibility?
Do you really believe it is wise to belittle John McCain’s six years in the House and his twenty years in the Senate when your candidate, Barack Obama is in his first term in the Senate? This also invites your opposition to point out that your candidate has never been qualified to command any “large squadron” at any time in his life.
Your most shocking statement was this: “I don’t think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president.”
As a retired general with your many years of service, you should know there is a huge difference between flying an airplane and riding in one. In your eagerness to belittle John McCain’s background, you have insulted every pilot that ever flew a fighter plane since World War I.
Sincerely, G. R. Vince Johnson, Veteran WWII and Korea
Vince Johnson welcomes comments. Please send them to,Vince Johnson(vjadtrak@wvi.com)
See Vince in the new book Americans on Politics. Policy, and Pop-Culture.