Contract with America 2.0

Contract with America 2.0
-By Dan Scott

With John McCain’s questionable advocacy of Global Warming solutions and Amnesty for illegal aliens among his short comings, it seems most of what the Republican Party stands for is getting lost in the 2008 campaign frenzy in the choice between two a left of center candidate and one that is clearly firmly left. While John McCain may view his chances of electability in terms of broadening his message to draw in Democrats and Independents to vote for him he has lost the sense of what it means to be a Republican. The guiding principles of self reliance, self governance, and individual effort are being over shadowed by government inspired actions like nationalizing health care under the false premise that government can solve the problem when in fact it was government’s fault in the first place that caused it with failed policies and unsustainable edicts upon medical providers.

Conservatives need to choose a core group of issues which they know most Americans would agree with following and draw a clear distinction between what liberals are attempting with their social engineering versus what the American People wish. A Republic is governance by leaders whom represent the thinking and wishes of the People, not an elite clique who believes they know better than those whom they wish to rule.

We need a NEW Contract With America, one that the Republican Party is committed to carrying out and is attainable. The elections of 2006 were a repudiation of those Republicans who abandoned the original Contract With America. I submit a core starting point for discussion and debate. If we fail to have a vision then we have only ourselves to blame for the success of the liberal agenda.

Contract 2.0

1. Secure the Borders, build the fence, enforce immigration law and end the Sanctuary City Movement (if that means arresting local and state officials who flaunt the law or obstruct the Law, so be it). In doing so, deporting those illegals who are displacing US citizens will lower the unemployment rate and cause wages to rise for those at the bottom of the economic ladder toward a living wage. Force Social Security to share mismatched Social Security numbers and address information with ICE & FBI to investigate ID theft, deporting those who are illegals and prosecuting those who are not. Any illegal who gets caught will be put on a “no citizenship list” permanently banning them from the US. This one step will encourage most illegals to self deport, get in line if they wish to work or live here and follow the rules like everyone else. Billions of dollars every year are spent on social programs to mitigate depressed wages and lack of jobs for those US Citizens who are unskilled. End the subsidization of poverty by failed government policies on immigration.

2. Rational Immigration Policy based on the national need, not the emotionalism based on the whimsical idea that we can pack an unlimited number of people inside the borders of the US. Current laws encourage employers to ask for foreign workers on visas, this must be stopped. Immigration policy and work visas must take into account the unemployment rate and document the size of the skilled labor pool for each job category in which employers are requesting work visas for foreigners.

3. Foreign Relations agenda based on responsibility to the common welfare. Our policy should hold governments responsible for hindering their own economic expansion and keeping their own people in poverty through incompetence, socialism, restrictive laws and failed policy. Why should the US taxpayer reward the failed policies of other countries who impoverish their citizens and then expect us to take in their poor?

4. US Sovereignty of Self Governance upheld, US laws are not subject to the UN and we will not allow the UN to dictate how our laws are enforced nor which ones We the People choose to make to govern ourselves.

5. Pledged Commitment to the GWOT as one of the pillars of national defense in a dangerous world and not return to the reactive approach of treating terrorism as a criminal matter.

6. End all Pork Barrel spending projects, make the Bush tax cuts permanent and index the AMT to inflation.

7. Separate the Social Security Trust Fund from the federal budget to end the raiding of Senior Citizen Pension Fund money, demand that the Trust Fund be run like any well run Pension Fund and start investing the money properly, not just in low interest bonds. (The only reason why Democrats oppose this is their desire to continue to raid the Trust Fund for their social spending programs.)

8. Health Care Reform – End the multi-tier pricing structure between Medicaid/Medicare, the health insurance companies and individuals. One price for each procedure or supply to be negotiated by local region with representatives from all three groups negotiating with medical providers. This limits the forcing of uninsured people into bankruptcy due to the exorbitant medical fee rate structure which neither the government or insurance companies pay. It also ends the cost shifting from the government to private payers.

9. End the ethanol mandates and subsidies, let the market sort out the best means of energy efficiency and energy utilization. Phase out all subsidies including agricultural subsidies as this distorts the market place and has long outlived it’s usefulness. Subsidies are nothing more than a Centrally Planned Economy in disguise, they have a poor track record of success.

10. National Energy Policy that focuses on national security, trade balance and diversification which recognizes the need to use nuclear and coal as a means to lessen foreign dependence on energy which will have the consequence of cheaper energy prices and reduce Petrodollar Terrorism. This includes a national security exemption similar to the border fence against environmental and other lawsuits designed to hinder or block the building of power plants.

11. Reinstate the Breeder Reactor program (cancelled by Jimmy Carter) to recycle spent nuclear fuel rods (as France does) to solve the nuclear waste disposal issue and complete the Yucca Mountain repository for nuclear waste that can not be recycled.

12. Judicial Reform – Three strike rule on all Federal Judges who have decisions repeatedly overturned by the Supreme Court. This will stop wasting taxpayer money on incompetent judges who attempt legislate from the bench. It will also depoliticize the nomination process since liberals will no longer be able to extra-legislatively impose their agenda on the government.

12. Correct the defective Supreme Court Kelo decision which changed the stare decisis understanding practiced for over 200 years in this country, public use means precisely what we always meant it to mean, not what 5 judges redefined it to mean. Public use is not the arbitrary use of private property to achieve the greatest tax revenue by some third party, public use is for roads, bridges, schools and other uses for the “public good” funded by public dollars, and owned by a public institution. Furthermore, the judges should be publicly rebuked for usurping a legislative role, all legal definitions made by the legislature and are not the province of the Court to change as doing so defeats the underlying premise of the Constitution – SELF GOVERNANCE by THE PEOPLE. The Judiciary’s sole existence is to uphold the Laws created by the PEOPLE through their elected REPRESENATIVES.

Dan Scott calls himself a “Member of the Global Capitalist Cabal preaching Capitalism and personal responsibility as the economic solution to world poverty.” He is also a member of the 14th Amendment Society — victimhood is a liberal code word for denying the civil rights of others. He is also a proud member of the Global Warming Denier Cabal, insisting that facts not agendas determine the truth.

Dan can be seen on the web at as well as, And can be reached for comments at

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