Third Open Letter to the Presidential Candidate I’d Vote For

-By Vince Johnson

Dear Sir/Ms/Mrs._____________________________________________
In review: In my first letter I suggested you walk out during a nit picky debate and announce a press conference on the Mexican border near Del Rio, Texas. At Del Rio you explained what you plan to do about immigration and announced your third conference at Santiam High in Mill City, Oregon. At the third conference you make a short speech before an audience of students, and teachers at Santiam High School:

“Last week I discussed my plans about immigration. This week I will state my position on education. Each student in this room is nearing a decision point that will affect their life as long as they live. Those desiring to have a meaningful and successful career have two basic choices. You can serve your country in any of many trades and professions. Or you can serve your country in the armed forces.

“In 2006, $1.4 billion tax dollars were spent on advertising designed to persuade you to enlist in the armed forces. Once you enlist, more billions are spent to feed you, cloth you, fix your teeth, treat you when you are ill, and on and on. Beyond that, more billions will be spent to train you in a wide variety of technologies and essential skills. And beyond that, billions and billions more are spent on military assets that you might operate, navigate, repair, maintain, and so on.

“To repeat: You have two options. You can serve your country in the armed forces, or you can serve your country in any of the thousands of trades and professions. Keep in mind that either choice is honorable and absolutely necessary. If you choose to join the armed forces the government pays you and gives you everything you need If you choose a career in one of the trades or professions, you might qualify for a loan from the government, otherwise you are on your own. This is not a wisecrack. This is fact.

“If I’m elected I will support all existing programs to attract and retain exceptional individuals in the military. And I will also initiate efforts to increase public education at least three years beyond the traditional senior year in high school. We must recognize that high school graduates in these times, are only qualified to do three things: Join the armed forces, go for the education and/or skills required to make a decent living, or settle for the hardships of living on a low wage income.

“Americans must be safe and secure. This requires a well equipped and well trained team of armed forces. Americans must also be healthy and prosperous. This requires well trained, well educated and highly reliable individuals in all of the trades and professions. It is folly to have security but not prosperity. It is stupid to be fit and strong in distant lands while irresponsible and semi-literate here at home.

“Our educational system must be elevated to the same level of importance we have for our military programs. Before any administration can do this, it must find a way to make the public aware that education and defense are equally vital to our national survival. This cannot be done until a President takes the lead, and that’s what I will do if elected.
“Fact: The educational programs of many foreign nations are already superior to ours and many others are catching up. Fact: Our students are capable of learning more, and learning faster than our present system allows. Fact: Unless immigration is brought under control soon, our entire educational system will fail due to lack of schools, teachers, and adequate security. Fact: The task of vastly improving our educational effort is achievable and it must be initiated ASAP. Fact: Our nation will never find a way out of this mess until we get a government that has more concern for those who pay all the bills than they do the lobbyists who tell Congress how to spend our money.”

After taking questions you thank the audiences and announce that the next conference (near the national headquarters of the PTA in Chicago) will involve an issue no other candidate will discuss in public.

Sincerely, VJ
Vince Johnson welcomes comments. Please send them to,Vince Johnson(
See Vince in the new book Americans on Politics. Policy, and Pop-Culture.

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