-By Dawn Stricson
I would like to propose a question to every responsible non-Islamic thinker who is concerned about the terrorist activities that seem to characterize the Islamic way of thinking more so than it does any sane way of thinking. However, before I do, I would like my readers to keep in mind the indisputable observation that, although most Mohammedans (a truer depiction of the people who refer to themselves as Muslims) do not openly engage in terrorist (or radically outrageous) activities, most of the worlds current terrorists happen to be Mohammedans.
Also, after having studied Islamic thinking, in the eyes of the authority that settles all disputes among Mohammedans (i.e., the authority that speaks in the Quran; the authority behind the Hadith; the authority behind the Sirat Rasoul; and/or the authority behind al-Tabari’s Ta’rikh) my openness to truth, as opposed to any wishful thoughts I may be harboring, have compelled me to conclude that the Islamic way of thinking has everything to do with not only the terrorism that persists among the members of the Islamic community, but also with the lunacy that persists among the people who promote, appease, accommodate, whitewash, excuse, and tolerate Islamic cultures and practices.
If most Mohammedans do not engage in terrorist activities, why would anyone want to blame the entire Islamic community for the extremist or terrorist activities that all of of its members support, appease, make excuses for, or refuse to seriously oppose?
Did it ever occur to you that the “terrorists” just might be right when they quote Islamic Scriptures and that the leaders of Islamic nations use oil money to stop mainstream news sources from allowing this fact to be common knowledge in nations that are ignorant of Islamic authority? Did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason that most Muslims are perceived as sane and fair-minded people is because wishful thinkers (people who want to believe that most Muslims are sane and fair-minded people) and those whose livelihood depends upon oil money are the ones who shape public opinion?
Did it ever occur to you that maybe it’s because all Muslims (including the violent ones) are merely following the instructions and example of the founder of the first Muslim community?
Did it ever occur to you that maybe it’s because all Muslims are only doing what all of their leaders are constantly instructing them to do (i.e., take the Islamic creed seriously, give the Quran, the Hadith, ibn Ishaq’s Sira, and al-Tabari’s Ta’rikh, the last word in all disputes on how to reason, what to believe, and how to behave)?
No fearlessly honest Islamic historian will deny the fact that the man who established the first Islamic community: a) was on a crusade to persuade everyone around him that he had received a revelation from the same God who had revealed Himself to the people of the Scripture (i.e., the God of the Jews and Christians) and that his revelation was God’s most important and final revelation to the world; b) was ridiculed for up to thirteen years by his contemporaries who called him a lunatic when they discovered the insanity that was extremely obbvious in everything he said and did; c) commanded all Muslims to go to war with and to terrorize non-Muslims only when he had acquired enough military might to help him force everyone to submit to the tortured logic and obviously childish or delusional stories that he called divine revelations.
Everyone who confesses the Islamic creed is a Mohammedan. The Islamic creed exalts the Allah and Muhammad of Islamic scriptures above every other authority.
The Allah and Muhammad of the Islamic creed are none other than the Allah and Muhammad of Islamic scriptures.
The Islamic creed always points to and is based primarily upon the written words of the Quran, Hadith, Sira of ibn Ishaq, and Ta’rikh of al-Tabari. Every Muslim would sooner trust those sources than any that might refute them.
Every Muslim takes the Islamic creed more seriously than any other creed. Every Islamic society perpetually brainwashes its members with Islamic thinking and dogma. No Islamic society allows any of its members to question, ridicule, or rebuke its religious dogma (i.e., lunacy, in short). Every Islamic society treats those who question, ridicule, or rebuke Islamic dogma as criminals who must be confined to mental institutions, prison facilities, or sentenced to death. The entire Islamic community believes that the Quran and every document that conforms to it, every creed that conforms to it, or every statement that conforms to it, has the last word in every dispute about the truth, social affairs, political affairs, religious affairs, and justice, and every dispute about how to reason and what to believe.
According to modern Islamic thinking you can’t be a Muslim (more correctly, a Mohammedan) unless you confess the Islamic creed and to confess the Islamic creed is the same as surrendering (giving up) your right to question, ridicule, doubt, rebuke, or oppose any obviously ridiculous absurdities and injustices that are so evident in Islamic Scriptures and that Islamic scriptures primarily consist of; it is equal to (or it is the primary Islamic way of) showing your unconditional support for the religious, scientific, political, and social absurdities, half-truths, lies, and injustices that Islamic scriptures primarily consist of or the terrorism and world-domination agenda of the Allah and Muhammad of Islamic scriptures. Clearly, the Allah and Muhammad of Islamic scriptures have all the characteristics of a pedophile or dangerous sex offender, a conspiring deceiver, a terrorist, and a criminally insane (or sick) mind and this is conclusive proof that all Mohammedans (including the ones who may be attempting to reform Islam or make it conform to the most respected standard of the Christian church and including the majority who do not engage in violent and terrorist activities) are insane (or sick) people. To witness this for yourself, just ask any Islamic cleric what the Islamic creed is, how important it is to him or her, and if it does not refer to the Allah and Muhammad of Islamic scriptures. After you do that, just flip through the pages of Islamic scriptures and you will discover for yourself just how childish, stupid, or sick you would have to be in order to take either Islamic scriptures, Islam, or any Muhammedan seriously.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe the reason most Mohammedans seek to reform or deny the sick nature of Islam is because they are wishful thinkers? Did you know that most Mohammedans only know what their leaders tell them about their own holy books? This widespread ignorance certainly helps Islamic leaders to keep most Mohammedans in the dark about Islam’s pathetic and sick nature?
Did it ever occur to you that ignorance of Islam’s pathetic and sick nature, coupled with the indiscriminate immigration policies of non-Islamic nations, helps Islamic bureaucrats to establish a significant Islamic presence in and threat to the entire non-Islamic world?
Furthermore, did it ever occur to you that the the non-Mohammedans who make it practically impossible for us to speak out against Mohammedans are among our worst enemies?
Again, did it ever occur to you that the version of Islam that is being presented to non-Islamic nations just might be a watered down version or merely the propaganda and Public-Relations portion of a larger crusade against all anti-Islamic opposition? Also, did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, mainstream news and information sources are being paid in oil (i.e., Islamic) money to propagate false and benign perceptions of a very dangerous mental disease (i.e., Islamic thinking based on all the hidden dangers that are implied in a mere confession of the Islamic creed).
Please be assured that once you have done your homework, you will realize that there is no good reason to doubt the suggestion that the entire Islamic Community or every last one of its leaders is to blame or responsible for the terrorism that is steadily on the increase in every non-Islamic nation that allows Mohammedans to practice the faith that was established once and for all by their god and prophet.
Because you will discover that every last leader of that community justifies, glorifies, worships, feeds upon the words of, and exalts the logic or example of:
a) the world’s first Islamic terrorist
b) the madman who founded and established the world’s first Islamic community
c) an anti-Semitic extremist
d) an anti-Christian cultist
e) a racist (one who referred to blacks as “raisin heads” and who believed that, on judgement day, only white people will be saved and blacks will be damned)
f) a god who said that all women are stupid and most of them will go to hell
g) an authority that inspires, encourages, or commands Muslims to establish an Islamic state or legal system in every country of the world, through every means open to them (not excluding any means that employs gradual, legal, and peaceful infiltration of non-Islamic lands, control over all news and information networks, control over all military operations, control over all legislation and law enforcement activities; not exluding the threat to cut off a nation’s oil supply upon discovering that nation’s refusal to allow its school children to participate in sessions that are designed to cause them to become Mohammedans without knowing it; not excluding massive propaganda campaigns that are designed to soften everyone’s perception of Islam and of the people who confess its creed; not excluding any means that emloys blackmail, bribery, blatant denials of a hidden agenda and true nature of the authority that settles all disputes among Mohammedans; or not excluding conspiracies, terrorist tactics, war, and and deception).
Instead of asking questions like, “Aren’t most Mohammedans peaceful or good people?” you should be asking questions like, “What sense does it make to refuse to hold the entire Islamic community or every last one of its leaders accountable for the terrorism that is emigrating to every nation that has adopted indiscriminate immigration policies and for the terrorism that Mohammedans alone can claim responsibility for when we know for sure that the entire Islamic community justifies, glorifies, worships, blindly accepts, feeds upon the words of, brainwashes itself with, or follows the example of, an authority that emanates all the characteristics of a bumbling imposter, a pedophile (or dangerous sex offender), an extremist, a terrorist, a very sick mind, and an extremely immature child, or when it is obvious that the authority that settles all disputes among Muslims is clearly no saner than those that can only be found in the backwards of mental institutions and high security state prisons, certainly no saner than those so-called “martyrs” who blow themselves up in crowds of defenceless people and certainly no saner than the people who would violate the rights of any who would dare to ridicule and rebuke an authority that begs to be ridiculed and rebuked?”
Do your own homework and discover the truth for yourself: (A) Read the Quran for yourself (it is only about four-fifths the size of the New Testament or no bigger than a 455-page novel) and the Hadith collections of al-bukhari & Mohammedan. A free English version of the Quran and of the Hadith (i.e., a version that has been approved by the most respected members of the Islamic community) can be found at your local mosque or library or online at: www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah. Surah 98:6,7 is one place in the Quran that will help you to see just what it is that inspires Mohammedans to commit hate crimes against “the people of the Scripture” in particular (i.e., Christians and Jews) and all others in general. (B) Observe how “moderate” Mohammedans glorify and reflect the arrogant, blatant, & blasphmous insanity of the Allah and prophet of the Quran, the Hadith, or both and their outrageously immature reaction to harmless cartoons depicting a long-deceased lunatic, a dangerous sex offender, a terrorist, or an outrageous mockery of the righteous, the good, the rational, or the fair-minded (i.e., the man whose example the Islamic creed and Islamic scripture exalt above the Saviour of the cannonical Christian Scriptures). (C) Explore www.6thcolumnagainstjihad.com. (D) Discover what those ex-Mohammedans who were raised on Islamic thinking have to say by exploring websites like www.abrahamic-faith.com and www.faithfreedom.org. (E) Explore www.prophetofdoom.net and (F) Make note of the glaring contrasts you discover between the authority that settles all political-religious disputes among Mohammedans and the authority that settles all political-religious disputes among Jews or Christians. (G) Finally, go to www.masada2000.org and discover for yourself the things about the so-called Palestians that mainstream news and information sources are successfully keeping from you.
Dawn Stricson may be reached for comments at voice_oftruth@yahoo.com.