Talker Roger Hedgecock To Emcee Terror Symposium

-By Frank Salvato

Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Roger Hedgecock of KOGO in San Diego has signed on to emcee the third in a national symposium series produced by Basics Project and America’s Truth Forum exploring the threat of radical Islam, Exposing the Threat of Islamist Terrorism, February 1 & 2, 2008 in Dallas, Texas.

From his days as a powerful San Diego elected political leader to his 14 years as host of “The Roger Hedgecock Community Forum,” Mr. Hedgecock has reached out to influence millions of Americans nationwide with his message of citizen empowerment. Mr. Hedgecock has guest hosted the number one ranked Rush Limbaugh radio program. He can be heard on his own nationally syndicated radio program on his flagship station AM600 KOGO, in San Diego, CA .

We are thrilled that Mr. Hedgecock has not only agreed to emcee this critical event but has dedicated a significant portion of his professional attention to the issue of our event, the threat of radical Islamist terrorism.

Scheduled to speak:

  • Frank Gaffney, Founder and President Center for Security Policy
  • Dr. Harvey Kushner, Chairman of Criminal Justice Dept. of Long Island University, best-selling author, advisor to the FBI and FAA
  • Atty. David Schippers, Former Chief Investigative Counsel for the US House Judiciary Committee, author, counter-terrorism expert
  • Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch, best-selling author and expert on radical Islam
  • Dr. Wafa Sultan, Syrian-American Psychologist and internationally known critic of militant Islam
  • Dr. Bruce Tefft, Founding member of CIA’s Counterterrorism Task Force
  • Dr. Paul Williams, Former FBI consultant, best-selling author and investigative journalist
  • David Harris, President of Democracy House & Former Chief of Strategic Planning of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service
  • Laura Mansfield, Middle Eastern linguistic expert and investigative reporter specializing in jihadi activity both domestic and foreign
  • Caroline Glick, Deputy Managing Editor, Jerusalem Post & Senior Fellow for the Center for Security Policy

Tickets for Friday evenings VIP reception are $119. Tickets for the Saturday symposium are $149. Deadline for ticket purchases is January 4, 2008.

For more information on the event contact Frank Salvato at (202) 536-2836 or visit To reserve your seat or purchase tickets contact Jeff Epstein at (866) 709-3474 or logon to
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About Basics Project: Basics Project is a non-profit, non-partisan 501(C)(3) research and educational initiative whose mission is to re-introduce the American public to the basic elements of our constitutional heritage while providing non-partisan, fact-based information on relevant socio-political and socio-economic issues important to our country.

Frank Salvato is the managing editor for The New Media Journal . He serves at the Executive Director of the Basics Project, a non-profit, non-partisan, 501(C)(3) research and education initiative. His pieces are regularly featured in over 100 publications both nationally and internationally. He has appeared on The O’Reilly Factor, and is a regular guest on The Right Balance with Greg Allen on the Accent Radio Network, as well as an occasional guest on numerous radio shows coast to coast. He recently partnered in producing the first-ever symposium on the threat of radical Islamist terrorism in Washington, DC. His pieces have been recognized by the House International Relations Committee and the Japan Center for Conflict. He can be contacted at

Copyright Publius Forum 2001