Are Global Warming Tax Breaks in the Works?

-By Vince Johnson

The IRS currently allows various tax breaks designed to encourage citizens to invest in various products and technologies that will conserve energy derived from natural gas, oil and coal. Some examples of these tax breaks are listed below: (Quoted from the Sierra Club web page)

Hybrid vehicle tax credit: this credit varies by make and model, but can be up to $3,000.
Home energy efficiency tax credit: up to $500 for home improvements designed to make your home more energy efficient, such as new windows or a more efficient heating/cooling system.
Residential solar and fuel cell tax credit: up to $2,000 for installation of a solar electric, solar water heating, or fuel cell system. Any excess credit can be carried forward one additional year.
Energy subsidy exemption: Any rebates or incentives you receive for energy conservation measures, directly or indirectly, from utilities are not counted as taxable income.

There are many more similar tax breaks, but those listed above will be sufficient to illustrate the need for similar tax credits and allowances designed to encourage people to prepare for the oncoming devastation that will be caused by Global Warming. The unquestionable certainty of this oncoming disaster is based upon scientific studies and reports made by the United Nations, hundreds of respected and well educated authorities on climatology and meteorology, front page coverage as approved by the influential editors of the New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Denver Post, Atlanta Constitution and the Oregonian.

In light of the overwhelmingly unanimous clamor about Global Warming, it has therefore become appropriate and judicious to suggest that Congress instruct the IRS to make some critically important modifications in the Tax Code as listed below: (And do so before it is too late!)

Allow up to $150 tax credit for FEMA approved books and educational materials advising families how to prepare for the impact of Global Warming. (At present, no such books are available, but it is reasonable to assume many are currently being rushed to the printers with all possible dispatch.)

Allow up to $1,500 deduction per individual for visits to a certified psychologist for the specific purpose of managing acute stress disorder, depression, schizophrenia, and paranoia caused by the inability to cope with the frightening nature of the continuous warnings regarding Global Warming. (This deduction would be in addition to the standard medical deduction.)

Allow up to $200,000 tax credit for moving from a residence located at an elevation less than 200 feet above sea level to a higher elevation no less than 1,500 feet above sea level. (It would nice if this were to be made effective on March 31, 2008 in honor of Al Gore’s 60th birthday.)

I’ll be sending copies of this issue to various Senators and Congressmen. There is good reason to believe many of them might take these suggestions seriously. Those politicians who believe Global Warming is real, will eagerly change the tax code in order to pick up new voters who always appreciate tax breaks.

And those politicians who aren’t sure about Global Warming will go along with the program because they need votes too, and are too wimpy to govern in any other way. Have a very Merry Christmas everybody! The IRS currently allows various tax breaks designed to encourage citizens to invest in various products and technologies that will conserve energy derived from natural gas, oil and coal. Some examples of these tax breaks are listed below: (Quoted from the Sierra Club web page)

Hybrid vehicle tax credit: this credit varies by make and model, but can be up to $3,000.
Home energy efficiency tax credit: up to $500 for home improvements designed to make your home more energy efficient, such as new windows or a more efficient heating/cooling system.
Residential solar and fuel cell tax credit: up to $2,000 for installation of a solar electric, solar water heating, or fuel cell system. Any excess credit can be carried forward one additional year.
Energy subsidy exemption: Any rebates or incentives you receive for energy conservation measures, directly or indirectly, from utilities are not counted as taxable income.

There are many more similar tax breaks, but those listed above will be sufficient to illustrate the need for similar tax credits and allowances designed to encourage people to prepare for the oncoming devastation that will be caused by Global Warming. The unquestionable certainty of this oncoming disaster is based upon scientific studies and reports made by the United Nations, hundreds of respected and well educated authorities on climatology and meteorology, front page coverage as approved by the influential editors of the New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Denver Post, Atlanta Constitution and the Oregonian.

In light of the overwhelmingly unanimous clamor about Global Warming, it has therefore become appropriate and judicious to suggest that Congress instruct the IRS to make some critically important modifications in the Tax Code as listed below: (And do so before it is too late!)

Allow up to $150 tax credit for FEMA approved books and educational materials advising families how to prepare for the impact of Global Warming. (At present, no such books are available, but it is reasonable to assume many are currently being rushed to the printers with all possible dispatch.)

Allow up to $1,500 deduction per individual for visits to a certified psychologist for the specific purpose of managing acute stress disorder, depression, schizophrenia, and paranoia caused by the inability to cope with the frightening nature of the continuous warnings regarding Global Warming. (This deduction would be in addition to the standard medical deduction.)

Allow up to $200,000 tax credit for moving from a residence located at an elevation less than 200 feet above sea level to a higher elevation no less than 1,500 feet above sea level. (It would nice if this were to be made effective on March 31, 2008 in honor of Al Gore’s 60th birthday.)

I’ll be sending copies of this issue to various Senators and Congressmen. There is good reason to believe many of them might take these suggestions seriously. Politicians who believe Global Warming is real, will eagerly change the tax code in order to pick up new voters who always appreciate tax breaks.

And those politicians who aren’t sure about Global Warming will go along with the program because they need votes too, and are too wimpy to govern in any other way. Have a very Merry Christmas everybody!
Vince Johnson welcomes comments. Please send them to,Vince Johnson(
See Vince in the new book Americans on Politics. Policy, and Pop-Culture.

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