Now is the Time for a Taxpayer Bill of Rights

From the Federalist, Patriot Post:

Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) has long been a staunch advocate of responsible government spending. As Chairman of the Republican Study Committee(, he has renewed the call for a Taxpayer Bill of Rights, challenging the denizens of Capitol
Hill to embrace it before the federal government drives us into a fiscal disaster. Some of its basic points are:

  • 1) Taxpayers have a right to have a federal government that does not grow beyond their ability to pay for it
  • 2) taxpayers have a right to receive back each dollar that they entrust to the government for their retirement
  • 3) taxpayers have a right to expect the government to balance the budget without having their taxes raised
  • 4) taxpayers have a right to a simple, fair tax code they can understand.

Embracing the ideas that a balanced federal budget means less spending, not more taxes, and that taxpayers have the right to a simplified tax code seems antagonistic to liberals, but to those of us that live in the real world and advocate constitutional government, such rights are merely commonsensical.

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