Senatorial Surrender at the Border
– By Chuck Busch
Politicians are just so anxious to get back to business as usual and fulfill their “vision” for America’s future. This terror war has been a huge “nuance”. National security is hard. Why worry about porous borders and an understaffed underpaid under-equipped Border Patrol Force when there are so many more fun things to spend money on? So what if 20 million unknown individuals have snuck into the country? Let’s just make them all Americans and then they will be our brothers. See what great humanitarians we are. Problem solved.
This seems to be the attitude of a majority of U.S. Senators who last week rejected two amendments to the Homeland Security Bill passed last year that would have funded another 2000 Border Patrol Guards and added capacity for detaining 8,000 more alien invaders. As a result of this half-hearted interest, only 1000 more guards will be recruited and only 2,240 detention beds will be added.
You would think after the grisly Madrid bombings last year and the most recent attack on western civilization by militant fundamental Islamic radicals in London, that our elected representatives would double their efforts to correct the most obvious weakness in our defense against international terrorism. Incredibly, that is not what is happening. Senator John Ensign, (R-Nev) to his credit, tried to restore the number of border guards to the original 2000 with an amendment and Senator John McCain wanted to increase the number detention beds to 5, 760. Unfortunately for the American people and future terrorist victims both amendments failed.
The excuses given for not pushing through even this meager measure are pathetic and even frightening as they reveal just how feeble and shortsighted our government officials are in their response to combating terror. Senator Charles Schumer (D-New York) said the amendments would take money from local law enforcement. He said the solution is “not in strengthening the borders” but to support the people “who defend us and, since 9-11 have new duties.” His flawed thinking should be obvious to everyone except for those New Yorkers who keep voting this guy in. The “duties” of those local and state officials would be a lot less demanding if the problem was stopped at the border ………..
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