Our Newest Op Ed

Disharmonic Convergence (They Have Become What They Hate)
– By R.A. Hawkins

Several years ago when we didn’t have a real first lady, from 1992 until 2000 and even prior to 1992, all one had to do in order to get a liberal to be nice to you was claim to be Jewish. I remember battling it out on political message boards and being called a Nazi repeatedly by radical leftists. I decided to try something and put the Jews for Protection of Firearms Ownership link into my tagline for my posts. The strangest thing happened. Suddenly I was their best friend. I suspect that if I were to do that today I would get something along the lines of “Zionist pig.” There has been an accidental unveiling of the left.

Reagan was once asked a question in a debate and the reporter asking the question referred to him as being right wing. He calmly explained that if one goes all of the way to the left, one gets Stalin. If one goes all of the way to the right, they find Hitler. He said he preferred to be called a little right of center because if you draw it out on a piece of paper and fold it, Hitler and Stalin fold together and there’s no difference. There is actually only free and not free…………
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