Our Newest Op Ed

The L.A. Weekly Wants A New Inquisition
– By Warner Todd Huston

Only this time they want to seek out and destroy Christianity itself instead of any particular sect thereof. I can say this because they have admitted as much in a recent column; The New Blacklist. More on that later.

This June 10th column has identified Christians as “Christers”, the kitschy new hate word created by anti-religionists in the U.S.A. to describe their foe; you and me. The Weekly uses this pseudo word some 16 times in the Op Ed even going so far as to make it appear as if the word was used in a Wall Street Journal article. (I guess that makes these religion haters the “Anti-Christers”?)

Apparently, these “Christers” have the gall to arrange boycotts against things in the entertainment and other industries that do not meet their standards and this little article spews several hundred words to excoriate them for it.

Yes, the gall of these people imagining that they should gather together and take advantage of democracy like that to urge people from whom they buy their products to listen to them as customers. The NERVE!…….

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